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1296 MHz EME echo
Welcome Echo
EME Conference 2024 in Trenton, NJ
The EME community is looking forward to the next global EME confernece. K2UYH and his support-team are preparing for a great event in August 2024.
Please have a look at the official web-page at

HB9Q QRV 50 MHz EME with 4x7el FLA cross-yagis
Since April 2020 we are QRV 50 MHz EME with our new 4x7el x-yagi with full elevation. We TX circular and we RX adaptive, using Linrad, MAP65 and 4 instances of WSJT-X.
If you are interested to work us, please drop as an e-mail to
For more information go to 50 MHz band page
For more pictures go to Media/Foto page
For the HB9Q 50 Mhz EME Logger go to EME Logger
1x1el yagi and 60W QSO on 432 MHz EME
Next Activity
Please look for us on HB9Q (50 MHz – 10 GHz), N0UK (for 144 MHz) and ON4KST (for 50 MHz) loggers. We always announce our activity there.
We may be QRV on all bands (from 50 MHz to 10 GHz) at more or less any time including weekdays. If you like to work us, please let us know by e-mail or just look for us when you are QRV, we may also be there!
Looking forward to work you soon!
Microwave skeds welcome!
- 1296 MHz: 1 yagi and 10 W or a 1.5m dish and 5 W
- 23xx MHz: 1 yagi and 20 W or a 1.5m dish and 10 W
- 3400 MHz: 1.5m dish and 20 W
- 5760 MHz: 1.5m dish and 10 W
- 10xxx MHz: 0.6m dish and 10 W